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História e Curiosidades sobre a Balança

História e Curiosidades sobre a Balança

Postado em 23.09.2015


As sociedades primitivas tinham pouca necessidade de pesar os objetos. Se duas pessoas precisavam de algum artigo uma da outra, recorriam a  troca direta.

No entanto o ouro foi desde sempre considerado o mais valioso dos metais pelo que, por volta do ano 5000 a.C., os Egípcios inventaram a balança para o pesarem. As balanças egípcias estão representadas em inúmeros murais e papiros.

No famoso Livro dos Mortos egípcio, onde se pode ver o desenho de um braço suspenso num apoio central com dois pratos nas suas extremidades pendurados por uma corda. A sua aparição nesse livro tem, porém, uma razão histórica.

New Zealand is a great place to enjoy some of the best casinos in the world. The country is home to a variety of top-notch casinos, all offering great bonuses and promotions, as well as exciting games. If you are looking for casinos with the popular Mega Moolah New Zealand $1 deposit bonus, you are in luck. There are a number of casinos in New Zealand that offer this bonus when you make a deposit of just one dollar. This bonus can be used to play a variety of games, including slots, roulette, blackjack, and more. Another way to make the most of your time at a New Zealand casino is to take advantage of the bonuses and promotions available. Many of the casinos offer bonuses for depositing larger amounts, such as a bonus for depositing over $500, as well as other special promotions. These bonuses can be used to play a variety of games, giving you more chances to win big. Finally, when choosing a casino in New Zealand, it is important to consider the customer service offered. The best casinos will have a team of friendly and knowledgeable staff who can help you with any questions or concerns you may have. The best casinos in New Zealand are sure to have something to offer everyone. Whether you are looking for the Mega Moolah $1 deposit bonus or other promotions, New Zealand has something for everyone. So, when you are ready to experience the best in casino gaming, be sure to check out whats on offer in New Zealand.

If you are looking to find the best online casinos in New Jersey, you have come to the right place. New Jersey is home to a variety of top-notch online casinos, and this guide will help you make the best choice for your gaming needs. First, you will need to understand what types of casinos are available. New Jersey has a wide range of options, including traditional brick-and-mortar casinos, online casinos, and mobile casinos. Each type of casino has its own unique features and benefits, so it is important to consider each one before making your decision. Once you understand the different types of casinos, you should look for reviews of each one. Read up on the customer service, bonus offers, game selection, and other important factors. You should also check out the casinos website and read the terms and conditions of their bonus offers. This will help you determine which online casinos offer the best deals for your gaming needs. When you are ready to begin playing, make sure you check out the casinos payment methods. Many Online Casinos in New Jersey accept credit cards, e-wallets, and other forms of payment. Be sure to read the terms and conditions of each casinos payment method before you decide which one to use. Finally, before you make your final decision, make sure you check out the casinos customer service. Inquire about the casinos customer service policies and learn how long it takes to get an answer. You should also read up on the casinos withdrawal and deposit policies. Knowing what to expect when it comes to customer service will help you decide which online casinos are the best option for your gaming needs.

Pela crença egípcia da época, o espirito de qualquer pessoa que morresse ia para a Sala das Duas Verdades, a versão egípcia do “julgamento final”. Nessa sala, Anúbis, o deus egípcio dos mortos, colocava o coração do morto numa balança usando como contrapeso a pluma da Deusa Maat, que representava a justiça. Depois de Anúbis ajustar a balança, verificava-se qual dos dois pesava mais, o coração ou a pluma. Dependendo do resultado da pesagem, então o espirito do morto seguiria para Paraíso ou para o Inferno.

